Donnerstag, 23. April 2009

schwanenmeister, 19:34h
Der neue Pedro Almodòvar-Film mit Penèlope Cruz startete bereits am 17. März in seiner Heimat Spanien. Der Tenor war einstimmig: Gut, aber keiner seiner besten Filme. Am Box-Office lief es solide (bis Mitte April 4,5 Mio. Dollar).
"A lavish, noirish melodrama sparkling with Pedro Almodóvar's trademark humour, 'Broken Embraces' - the director's eagerly awaited 17th feature - will thrill his loyal fanbase but perhaps leave a more general public dazed rather than dazzled. Ravishing in its artifice and outfitted with all of Almodóvar's stylistic tricks, this tale of desire, power, duplicity and fate is self-consciously steeped in noir conventions and provides Penelope Cruz with a sleek post-Oscar vehicle."(Barry Byrne, Screen Daily)
"Partly a film about films and partly a film about love, Pedro Almodovar's 'Broken Embraces' can't quite decide where its allegiances lie. A restless, rangy and frankly enjoyable genre-juggler that combines melodrama, comedy and more noir-hued darkness than ever before, the pic is held together by the extraordinary force of Almodovar's cinematic personality. But while its four-way in extremis love story dazzles, it never really catches fire. The Spanish helmer's biggest-budgeted and longest movie to date will get warm hugs from local auds."(Jonathan Holland, Variety)Klingt alles nach keinem ernsthaften Kandidaten für Auszeichnungen in Cannes. Es sieht auch mehr nach einer respektablen Würdigung eines alten Weggefährten aus, indem Almodòvar mit diesem, wenn auch teuren Nebenwerk vor allem wegen der früheren Erfolge und des Starrummels um die Cruz an die Croisette eingeladen wurde.
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